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GCC CountriesHealth

UAE: No Public Transport, Restricted Movement From Today

The UAE will shut down public transport and restrict movement during the course of the national campaign of sterilization of public facilities from 8 p.m. Thursday, March 26 to 6 a.m. Sunday, March 29.

“The Ministry of Health and Prevention and the Ministry of Interior decided, in coordination with all relevant federal and local institutions, to launch a ‘national sterilization program’ to completely sterilize all public facilities, public transportation and metro service during the weekend period, starting 8 p.m. on Thursday, March 26 until 6 a.m. on Sunday, March 29, 2020,” the ministry’s of health said in its statement.

Throughout this period, traffic and public movement will be restricted, and public transportation and metro service will be suspended.

“The Ministries of Health and Interior call upon the public to remain in their homes throughout the period of the national sterilization program, and not to go out except to purchase food and medicine requirements or for health necessity or work in the vital sectors which include: energy, communications, health, education, security, police, military, postal services, shipping, pharmaceuticals, the water and food sector, civil aviation, airports, passports, the financial and banking sector, government media and the services sector, which includes gas stations and construction projects.”

Authorities will be enforcing the movement restriction by checking and verifying ID cards and business cards.

They also stressed that all food-selling outlets such as Union Societies, grocery shops, and supermarkets, as well as pharmacies, will be allowed to operate 24/7.

There are currently 333 confirmed coronavirus cases in the UAE as of Wednesday.


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