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UAE: No Entry Ban on Those Whose Visa Fines are Waived

People whose visa fines are waived and leave the UAE after May 18 won’t be banned from re-entering the country, an official said.

On Wednesday, UAE announced a full waiver on all visa fines. People with entry or residency permits that expired before March 1, 2020, will not have to pay fines if they leave the country after May 18. The grace period will last for another three months.

Brigadier Khamis Al Kaabi, spokesperson of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, said there will be no entry ban on people who benefit from the new order and they can re-enter the country.

“The decision will not prevent the beneficiary from returning to the country when he or she fulfils the conditions for entry in accordance with the provisions of law. There is no entry ban procedure for the beneficiary,” Brig Al Kaabi said.

The order includes a waiver of fines on expired Emirates ID and work permits.

According to the Immigration Law, an individual who is overstaying in the country without valid residence visa or staying illegally after the entry permit has expired shall be deported.

Brig Al Kaabi said the authority will announce the mechanism and service provider channels soon.



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