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UAE: New guidelines for attending prayers in mosques

The General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments issued a list of preventive and precautionary measures and guidelines that must be followed by worshippers at mosques.

The guidelines state that it is mandatory to carry out ablutions at home. Worshippers must carry their prayer mats, wear face masks, observe physical distancing, and download AlHosnApp to ensure the community’s safety.

The measures and guidelines as set out by the authorities include the following:

1) Ablutions to be carried out at home, with water, soap and sanitisers used to wash and clean hands.

2) Wearing face masks is mandatory during all prayers.

3) All worshippers to carry their own prayer mats, and take them home after prayer.

4) Avoid touching surfaces and door handles.

5) Commit to observing 2 meters of social distancing.

6) Use the mosque for main prayers only.

7) Use personal electronic devices to read the Holy Quran.

8) Elderly citizens, residents, and young children to pray at home.

9) Avoid crowding at doors and entrances.


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