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UAE: Midday work ban rule ends tomorrow

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has announced that the midday break rule period – which started on June 15, prohibiting any outdoor labour work between 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm – will end tomorrow.

The mandatory annual midday work break aims to ensure the well-being and safety of labourers working under direct sunlight and to protect them from heat during the summer months.

During this period, MoHRE has issued several rules and procedures and has organised a number of awareness activities and programmes, in cooperation with its partners, to ensure that workers are protected against heat exhaustion, heatstroke and coronavirus infection.

The ban rule excluded companies responsible for works that must continue for technical reasons. Employers of exempt companies must provide cool drinking water in proportion with the number of workers and in accordance with the requirements of public safety and health, as well as thirst-quenching items, such as salts, lemon and etc., as used by the local authorities.


Khaleej Times
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