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UAE: MBRSC Confirms Successful Lunar Orbit Insertion by Rashid Rover

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) announced the successful lunar orbit insertion by Rashid Rover, the first Emirati rover to land on the surface of the moon. The rover is now just one step away from making history.

The iSpace lander carrying the Rashid Rover performed its first lunar orbit insertion manoeuvre in accordance with the mission operation plan, at 5.24 AM UAE time on March 21, under the direction of lander engineers. After a controlled burn from the lander’s main propulsion system lasting several minutes, the manoeuvre was successfully completed.

The insertion into lunar orbit is an important step toward the upcoming milestones of the Rashid Rover, beginning with the remaining 5 subsystem checks, according to Emirates News Agency.

The completion of all lunar orbital manoeuvres prior to the beginning of the landing sequence, which is scheduled to be announced around late April. Specific information on the date and time of the landing will be announced in the upcoming few days.

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The Daily Tribune
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