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UAE: Mandatory mid-day break for labourers to start from June 15

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has announced the start of the mid-day break for labourers at project and construction sites from June 15 to September 15.

According to the ministry, under the rule, working under direct sunlight will not be allowed from 12.30-3pm. This is to ensure a safe working environment for labourers and to protect them from the risks of exposure to high temperatures during the summer months. The rule has led to a significant reduction in cases of workers’ exposure to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

An administrative fine of Dhs5,000 per worker will be levied on establishments that violate the midday break. In the case of multiple workers found working in violation of the midday break, a maximum fine of Dhs50,000 may be imposed.


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