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UAE: Man Attempts To Smuggle 4.5 Million Narcotic Pills in Cans of Green Beans

A man has been arrested for attempting to smuggle 4.5 million capsules of the drug Captagon inside preserved food containers.

The Anti-Narcotics Directorate of the Criminal Security Sector of Abu Dhabi Police received information about the man and his intention to smuggle the pills – first into UAE and then onward to another country.

General Tahir Gharib Al Dahiri, Director of the department, explained that the team monitored the accused and saw that he imported cans of preserved green beans and managed to get them through all legal procedures and checks. When the team raided his warehouse and arrested him, they found drugs in the can.

The official said that approximately 4.5 million pills were seized in the operation, in addition to the tools used to prepare and package the drugs in order to sell them.


Khaleej Times
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