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UAE launches two guides to raise awareness of dangers of drugs

UAE launched two guides for promoting awareness and prevention of the dangers of drugs.

The Guide to Drug Prevention at Schools provides scientific and academic information smoothly and easily, supported by graphics, statistical data, and illustrations.

It aims to teach young people to reject drugs and enable educational institutions to effectively manage and address problems related to the dangers of narcotics.

The Parents’ Guide to Drug Prevention aims to raise awareness on the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances. It also aims to help develop skills and values that enhance happiness and positivity as well as bolster the role of the family in contributing to the prevention of narcotic abuse.

The guide also paves the way for the preparation of specialised personnel in drug prevention and contributes to the protection of families from the dangers of drugs. It aims to hone their skills to protect children from abuse and enable them to manage and address all the dangers surrounding them.


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