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UAE Launches New Government Structure

UAE launched its new government structure, in line with its response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, on Sunday.

The plan merges several significant ministries and agencies to increase flexibility, announced Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who is also the UAE Vice President and Prime Minister.

The new changes for the UAE government include:

Plan to convert 50 percent of all government service centers into digital platforms within two years.

The Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Infrastructure have been merged to form the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.

The National Media Council and the Federal Youth Foundation have been merged with the Ministry of Culture to form the Ministry of Culture and Youth.

Also, nearly 33 new appaointments have been made in varying sectors.

Sheikh Mohammed tweeted his approval of the new government restructure as part of plans to prepare the country for a post-coronavirus future. His comments came following the conclusion of a three-day virtual government summit that was convened to develop a post-virus strategy.


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