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UAE launches 6-month multiple entry visa at Dhs1,150

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) has set Dhs1,150 as the fees for issuing the 6-month-multiple entry visa to finalise the procedures of golden residency (10 years).

Fees shall be paid electronically online via the ICA website.

The service under which an entry permit is issued for a period of 6 months, can be also extended for a similar period to facilitate the completion of procedures for obtaining a golden residency.

The eligible categories are: investors (public investments / real estate investor), entrepreneurs (owner / founder of a project), specialised talents (doctors/scientists), creative specialists in culture and art, inventors, specialists in priority scientific fields, athletes, Ph.D. holders, specialists in the fields of engineering and science (epidemiology and viruses / artificial intelligence / big data / computer engineering / electronics engineering / programming engineering, electrical, genetics, and biotechnology ), outstanding students (high school students/university students).


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