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UAE Issues Hurricane Warning

The UAE has warned citizens over the threat of Hurricane Hillary.

The UAE Consulate in Los Angeles told citizens in the USA to “excise caution” as California prepares for its first tropical storm in 84 years.

Southern California and neighboring states are expecting more than a year’s worth of rain this weekend, with the US National Hurricane Center forecasting 230kmph winds and “significant flooding”.

UAE hurricane warning

As the storm approaches the United Arab Emirates has advised people in the area to follow safety instructions.

In a post on social media the consulate in Los Angeles said: “The Consulate operating for the UAE in Los Angeles calls upon the citizens of the country in the United States of America to exercise caution due to the extension of the impact of Hurricane” Hillary in the form of a rainstorm.

“The mission stresses the need to follow the safety instructions issued by the US authorities, to contact in emergency cases at 0097180024 or 0097180044444.”

There are expected to be up to 15cm of rain in parts of Southern California and nearby Nevada.

It follows scorching heat and drought that has been witnessed in the area recently when millions of Americans were living with temperature warnings.


Arabian Business

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