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UAE, Israel, Bahrain: Top 3 countries in giving COVID-19 jabs

The UAE is second after Israel when it comes to vaccine administration rates to its residents, according to ‘Our World in Data’ website that tracks vaccination rates run by researchers at the University of Oxford.

The data shows that as on January 4, Israel has given 15.83 vaccination doses per 100 people. The UAE has offered 8.35 doses per 100 people, followed by Bahrain at 3.75; the US 1.46; the UK 1.39 (December 27); Denmark 0.89; Russia 0.55 (January 2); Canada and Germany 0.38; Croatia 0.34; China 0.31 (December 31); Italy and Spain 0.3; and Estonia 0.24.

Both the UAE and Israel have been highly successful in rolling out their vaccination drives. Both have a similar population. As per the World Bank data of 2019, the UAE has a population of 9.77 million and Israel, 9.05 million.


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