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GCC CountriesHealth

UAE: Indian Expat Contracts Virus on Annual Leave

On Saturday night, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP) confirmed an Indian national has tested positive for Covid-19 upon returning to the UAE after spending his annual leave abroad.

“All those who were in contact with the patient have been examined and have all tested negative for the virus” added MoHaP in a statement.

The statement also said: “UAE citizens and residents are urged to practice good hygiene by regularly washing their hands with soap and water. They should also avoid contact with people who show symptoms of respiratory infections.”

Earlier in the day, Mohap announced the recovery of three patients from the Covid-19 coronavirus after receiving the necessary medical attention.

The ministry said that the total number of recoveries in the UAE are now up to 23. The three patients are two Emiratis and one Indian national.


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