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UAE-India travel: New COVID rules may affect business trips

India imposed mandatory 7-day home quarantine for inbound travellers from January 11.

The passengers must also undergo an RT-PCR test on the eighth day of arrival. The Ministry updated rules for India-bound travellers given the rising prevalence of the Omicron variant.

A clear picture of travel trends and status between both countries will emerge in the coming days. Business travel may affect both inbound and outbound passengers.

While all travellers from the UAE are not required to undergo an RT-PCR test upon arrival, depending on the state they are travelling to, two per cent of passengers randomly selected shall undergo post-arrival testing at the airport. Some states, such as Kerala and Maharashtra, are testing all passengers upon arrival.

The randomly selected list of passengers in each flight would be identified by the concerned airlines, and laboratories have been asked to prioritise testing of samples from such travellers.


Khaleej Times

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