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UAE: ICA approval must for non-Dubai residents to return

Dubai Airports on Wednesday confirmed that some passengers were experiencing a delay in the arrival process at Dubai International Airport (DXB) this afternoon due to an update in travel regulations in line with the directives of the UAE authorities.

“Dubai Airports is working with government authorities and other service partners to ensure the comfort of our passengers and resolve the situation as soon as possible,” Dubai Airports said in a statement to Gulf News.

“According to new travel requirements travellers holding residence visa issued in other Emirates need approval from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship to return to the country. Holders of residence visas issued in Dubai continue to require the approval of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) to return to the UAE,” the statement added.

According to sources, several passengers, who are residents of other emirates, could not get immediate immigration clearance after they landed in Dubai on Wednesday.


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