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UAE: Health Workers Exempt From Ramadan Fasting

Frontline medical workers in the UAE will be excused from fasting during Ramadan.

In a statement on Emirates News Agency (WAM), the Emirates Fatwa Council stressed that fasting is obligatory for healthy people during the holy month.

However, in terms of medical staff, it stated that they will be exempt if they fear that fasting could weaken their immunity or lead to losing their patients.

In a series of five Fatwas, those suffering from COVID-19, or people who show symptoms of the virus, are also excused if advised by physicians that fasting would make their condition worse.

The third Fatwa focussed on Eid Al Fitr prayer should the current situation continue until that time. It ruled that people may perform Eid Al Fitr prayer individually at their homes or in a group with their respective family members without a sermon.


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