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UAE: FTA launches whistle-blower scheme for tax evasions

The Federal Tax Authority on Thursday launched a “whistle-blower” programme for tax violations and evasion, which aims to promote community control over local markets, raise the level of tax compliance and reduce tax evasion cases in the UAE.

The initiative called “Raqeeb” was rolled out in line with the Cabinet decision aimed at raising awareness among the public and increasing compliance rates. It is effective as of April 15, 2022.

The scheme allows the FTA to receive reports from individuals on tax evasion cases, tax-related fraud, and violations of tax legislation. It also allows the authority to verify the reports and grant monetary rewards to informants when certain conditions are met, the FTA said in a statement. The programme seeks to enhance transparency and competitiveness in the field of doing business, raise tax compliance rates, and boost tax awareness and society’s confidence in the tax system.


Khaleej Times
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