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UAE: Friday prayers to resume – Guidelines to follow

Mosques across the UAE will reopen for Friday prayers, starting from December 4, while strictly adhering to COVID-19 precautionary measures, it was announced on Tuesday.

Here are the safety guidelines you must follow to keep yourself and the community safe from the spread of Covid-19:

Do not gather outside mosques: The mosques will open 30 minutes before the sermon (Khutbah) and will close 30 minutes after the prayer. Do not gather outside the mosques before or after the prayer.

Masks, prayer mats must: You must wear a face mask at all times. You should also bring your own prayer mat.

Perform ablution at home: The mosque’s washrooms and ablution facilities will remain closed.

No shaking hands or hugs allowed.

These residents must not go to the mosque: The elderly, children and those with chronic diseases

Social distancing:The mosques will take in 30 per cent of its capacity. Its shaded areas can accommodate worshippers, too. But worshippers must ensure an adequate social distance from one another.

Take your own Quran copy: Worshippers should take their own personal copies of the Holy Quran or read it from phones or tabs.


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