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UAE Food Delivery Drivers Busted for Selling Drugs

Sharjah Police has successfully busted a drug trafficking gang, consisting of seven people, who used a new method by taking advantage of delivery companies’ staff to promote narcotics.

The gang attempted to sell 7604 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 494 grams of hashish, and 297 of marijuana cigarettes for promotion.

“In less than 12 hours Sharjah Police seizes a gang that tried to promote narcotic substances through employees of delivery companies,” the Sharjah Police said via Twitter.

The anti-drug authorities of the Sharjah Police were tipped off about an international gang that relied on delivery companies, using their nature of work as a cover for their movements within the country.

The authorities immediately began monitoring and investigating the gang, in cooperation with the anti-drug agencies in the neighbouring emirates.


Arabian Business

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