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UAE: First-of-its-kind smart taxi announced to monitor drivers

Sharjah Taxi on Thursday announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind smart taxi in the Middle East.

Equipped with sensors, cameras, and a mobile data unit, connected to an integrated system, the smart taxi has been launched with the primary goal of harnessing artificial intelligence services to be utilised in vehicle operations and safety. The authority is yet to reveal a rollout date for the taxis in the Emirate.

Khalid Al Kindi, executive director of Sharjah Taxi, said the pilot project benefits from best international practices in the field of intelligent transportation systems.

“The system helps regulate the flow of traffic, facilitate access to key places, monitor driver behaviour, mitigate erroneous practices, and reduce meter manipulations,” said Al Kindi.

He said the intelligent transportation systems apply modern technologies in the areas of monitoring, information collection, control and means of communication, and utilise the full carrying capacity of road networks and other means of transportation.


Khaleej Times
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