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UAE: First Look of Dubai’s Futuristic Flying Taxi Terminal Revealed

Flying taxis in Dubai will take off by 2026, with designs already approved for the upcoming transport’s vertiports.

The Skyports Infrastructure Vertiport terminal’s design for electric flying taxis, which is located next to the Dubai International Airport (DXB), was created by Foster + Partners in collaboration with Skyports Infrastructure.

The terminal’s concept design was also approved by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, following the announcement of the terminal which was made at the World Government Summit 2023.

The DXB vertiport is one of the four initial locations under consideration by Skyports Infrastructure and the emirate’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) for an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) infrastructure network.

David Summerfield, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners, said: “We are delighted to have developed a vertiport concept for the emerging AAM industry, which will transform the way people travel in Dubai. The conceptual vertiport connects with Dubai International Airport and the Dubai Metro, to provide seamless, sustainable travel across the city for international and domestic passengers.”

The vertiport aims to connect the emirate’s most popular areas through a high-speed, zero-emissions network, and will join in with existing transportation hubs. This includes RTA Dubai’s metro lines and DXB.

dubai electric flying taxis terminal

The proposed terminal is situated on an elevated deck to facilitate aircraft take-off and landing. The building wraps around the airfield, connecting the arrival and departure lounges and offering spectacular views of the aircraft and the city beyond. The overhanging roof and facade inclination protect the building from direct sunlight and prevent overheating.

The building’s design is lined with the adjacent metro station and has green landscaping along its edges. The interior spaces are designed with a refined palette of warm, natural materials to create a comfortable and serene environment.

The RTA and Skyports Infrastructure plan to develop a network of vertiports for air taxi services by 2026.



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