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UAE: Expat arrested for stabbing wife 11 times

A Nepalese national has been sentenced to life in prison by the Dubai Criminal Court on charges of premeditated murder of his wife.

He stabbed her 11 times in the head, chest, neck and abdomen after learning she was in an illicit relationship.

The man will serve 25 years in prison in Dubai, which is the maximum term for imprisonment in the UAE, to be followed by deportation to his home country.

Police records showed that the murder occurred on September 25, 2020.

He took pictures of her lying in a pool of blood on the floor and then called the police.

The building’s security guard and a delivery man were the two witnesses to the murder.

The police found the convict with his wife’s body and the knife, the murder weapon, in his hand. He confessed to his crime to public prosecutors and said he didn’t regret killing his wife.


Khaleej Times

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