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UAE: Equal wages for women and men in Private sector

The implementation of equal wages for women and men in private sectors in UAE would come into force starting Friday, Sept 25 according to WAM.

The Decree of Federal Law No. 06 for 2020, was issued by his Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan on 25th August, 2020 and stipulated an equal wages for women and men in the private sector, stating  “Female employees shall receive wages equal to that of males if they perform the same work, or another of equal value.

The procedures, controls and standards necessary for evaluating work of equal value will be set under a decision to be issued by the Cabinet, based on a proposal from the Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation.”

The amended article supports the objective of reinforcing gender equality in terms of wages and salaries in the private sector, as per Federal Law No.08.

The UAE leads the region’s countries in bridging the gender pay gap, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report in 2020.


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