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Money & BusinessUAE

UAE: Employers to offer up to 10% pay rise next year

Salaries in 2022 will increase by three per cent on average in the UAE as the economy will continue its recovery next year, thanks to the positive impact of Expo 2020 and Fifa World Cup of multiple sectors, according to a survey released by recruitment and HR advisory firm Cooper Fitch on Sunday.

The survey revealed that 41 per cent of firms increased salaries in 2021 with advisory, HR, manufacturing, technology, strategy and public sectors amongst those who made an increase of up to 10 per cent.

For 2022, 43 per cent of businesses in the UAE will be increasing salaries, with 35 per cent of those increasing by 0-5 per cent; four per cent will mark increases of 6-9 per cent; and five per cent said they will increase salaries of 10 per cent or more.

Around 37 per cent of local firms said they don’t plan to revise the salaries of the employees next year. Surprisingly, 19 per cent said they will be decreasing salaries by up to 10 per cent in 2022.


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