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UAE: Employees given a month to take COVID booster shots

UAE on Saturday issued a circular to all ministries and federal entities, updating the measures implemented at the federal government level to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The circular stipulated that it has decided to standardise all resolutions related to the COVID-19 preventive measures, to facilitate the work of federal government entities.

The ministries and federal authorities to ensure that all their employees have received the booster shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. It also stressed the importance of having all federal government employees take the booster shot within a month from this circular’s date of issuance, and in line with UAE-approved booster shot guidelines, including vaccination time frames and eligibility for each vaccine. This step aims to ensure optimal efficiency in implementing the Green Pass on the AlHosn app.

Unvaccinated employees will not be allowed entry to federal government entities starting 3rd January 2022.


Gulf Today

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