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UAE: Electricity Bill Deductions Announced for Low-Income Farm Owners From July

Starting July 2023, Emirati farm owners with limited income would see their monthly electricity bills reduced, thanks to a directive from the UAE President.

In a statement issued on Friday, the President, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has ordered the authorities to support and help reduce farm owners’ financial burdens, particularly those related to electricity tariffs, according to state news agency WAM.

The Ministry of Community Development and the Union Water and Electricity Company confirmed that they will be providing subsidies to eligible beneficiaries. The subsidy, they added, will be applied from July 2023.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed’s support comes as part of the leadership’s initiatives and its keenness to empower the people of the country, provide them with a decent life, and improve the services provided to them, particularly those in the low-income category.


Khaleej Times
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