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GCC CountriesUAE

UAE: Dubai Expo Team Member Tests Positive for COVID-19

Organizers of the Expo 2020 Dubai have confirmed that a member of the team has tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus and they say they are taking precautions to ensure the virus does not spread further among other staff.

The confirmation comes just days before the the Expo 2020 Dubai team plan to meet on Monday to discuss further the event’s future.


The expo is due to open in October this year, but with the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus, organizers continue to review the situation and are regularly reviewing plans and preparations in line with guidance from authorities in the United Arab Emirates and international stakeholders, the spokesman said.

The Expo 2020 Steering Committee, which groups participating nations, is scheduled to hold a virtual meeting on March 30 for further consultations.


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