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UAE: Dubai announces new updates on quarantine guidelines

Residents and visitors who come in close contact with Covid-19 patients in Dubai must undergo 10 days home quarantine, even if their test result is negative, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has announced.

According to the circular issued by the DHA, a copy of which Khaleej Times has seen, all close contacts should undergo home quarantine for 10 days after last exposure —even if they have been tested and their result is negative. They should also self-monitor for any respiratory symptoms.

The circular added, “Contacts who develop any related symptoms during the 10 days quarantine should be tested for Covid-19.”

As per the DHA guidelines, a close contact is defined as anyone with the following exposures to a Covid-19 case, from two days before onset of illness and date of positive swab to 14 days after:

  • Being within two metres of a Covid-19 case for more than 15 minutes.
  • Direct physical contact with a Covid-19 case.
  • Providing direct care for patients with Covid-19 disease without using proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Living in the same household as a Covid-19 patient.


Khaleej Times

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