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UAE: Covid variants cause rise in infections

The SARS-Cov-2 Beta variant is currently responsible for the greatest number of Covid-19 infections across the UAE, official spokesperson of the UAE health sector, Dr Farida Al Hosani, said Sunday.

“Based on the genetic investigation system for coronavirus variants in the country, we found that the most commonly present strain, Beta, is causing 39.2 per cent of the total infections, followed by Delta causing 33.9 per cent of infections, and finally Alpha with 11.3 per cent,” explained Dr Hosani during the weekly Covid-19 briefing.

The national monitoring systems revealed that the most dominant strains in the UAE are Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants of the viral strain. “These are mutated strains of the original virus that have been monitored in many countries of the world,” she added.


Khaleej Times

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