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UAE authorities raise fees for visas, Emirates ID

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP) has increased the fees for visit, residence visas and the Emirates ID.

The Authority confirmed that the fees for its services had been increased by Dhs100. The hike in fees will apply to services including Emirates ID card, residency visas and visit visas.

Some tourism companies also confirmed that the fees had been increased for tourist visas.

The new fees for the Emirates ID have become Dhs370, and the fees for the one-month visitor visa have become Dhs370. This is subject to the number of years for renewal or new issuance.

The fees for other services offered by the ICP also increased by Dhs100. This comes after changes in the visa system that took effect early this year, as the visit visa extension within the country was suspended.

This necessitates leaving the country when it ends and applying for a new one in case of the visitor desired to return to the country. However, tourists can benefit from the visa exchange system on the same day through travel and tourism companies.


Gulf Today
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