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GCC CountriesBahrainQatar

UAE Astronaut Shares Image of Qatar, Bahrain From 400 KM Away

United Arab Emirates (UAE) astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi shared a picture of Qatar and Bahrain, which he took from the International Space Station (ISS) at an altitude of 400 km. The image shows clouds engulfing Qatar and Bahrain.

Taking to Twitter on Friday, the Emirati astronaut described the two countries as “two shining pearls in the heart of the Gulf.”

“May we all continue to progress and flourish together for generations to come,” he added.

Since his arrival at the ISS, the Emirati astronaut has been keen to publish stunning views of Earth from space, in addition to sharing some of his challenges and achievements. Al Neyadi had previously shared pictures of Arab cities, most notably Makkah, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Baghdad and Rabat.

Al Neyadi continues his mission aboard the ISS, which he began on March 2. During the trip, Al Neyadi conducts 19 scientific experiments and studies, most notably the cardiovascular system, back pain, testing and experimenting with techniques, epigenetics, the immune system, fluid sciences, plants, and materials, in addition to studying sleep and radiation. The mission also includes educational outreach, in order to inspire the next generation of scientists and researchers.


The Siasat Daily
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