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UAE: Asteroid bigger than Burj Khalifa to whiz past Earth

A giant asteroid, comparable in size to Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building, is set to whiz past Earth on January 18.

The asteroid has been classified as a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) due to its large size and flyby closeness to Earth. Its estimated size is about 3,280 feet, which is approximately 600 feet bigger than Dubai’s Burj Khalifa and twice the height of New York City’s Empire State Building.

But the asteroid’s size isn’t a cause for concern. The asteroid is said to fly past and go even beyond the moon, and will not collide with our planet.

The speeding asteroid will pass 1.93 million kilometres from Earth, or about five times the distance between Earth and Moon.


Khaleej Times
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