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UAE Announces Resumption of All Suspended Health Services

UAE’s Ministry of Health and Prevention has announced the gradual resumption of all suspended health services across its health facilities with effect from today, June 21.

Keeping in mind the preventive health protocols in place in times of the pandemic, the health ministry has also issued organisational guidelines for hospital services.

Hospitals will be allowed to perform scheduled surgeries of an urgent medical condition according to certain conditions, in order to meet the patient’s needs. A number of specialised hospital services will resume again with the strict commitment to the preventive measures, however, plastic surgery will remain suspended in all hospitals, except in urgent medical conditions.

Based on the approved procedures and controls, the services of outpatient clinics will be restored in morning and evening shifts with a strict scheduling system where those with confirmed appointments will be allowed to consult at the OPD clinic.

The list of the resumed services includes; cardiology, pediatric, general surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics, orthopaedics, mental health services including psychiatric and social consultations and rehabilitation programs for addiction patients, and other psychiatric and community psychiatry departments that serve different age groups such as adults, the elderly, children and, adolescents, while the ENT department (ear, nose, and throat) will continue to provide services for emergency cases.


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