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UAE Announces List of Fines for COVID-19 Measure Violators

An updated list of fines and penalties for violating Covid-19 precautionary measures announced last month remains in force across the UAE, a top official warned on Saturday. This came as authorities observed an increase in the number of violations after the night-time movement restrictions were lifted.

For individuals, families, communities

– Hosting gatherings and inviting people over: Dh10,000
– Attending a gathering as a guest: Dh5,000
– Having more than three passengers in a vehicle: Dh3,000
– Private tutors violating rules: Dh30,000 (and Dh20,000 for whoever hosts the tutor)
– Failure to maintain social distancing at work or other places like shops and restaurants: Dh3,000 per person involved, Dh5,000 for institutions

At the workplace

– Not wearing masks at work, offices: Dh5,000 for the company, Dh500 for the employee

On Covid-19 screenings

– Failure to comply with home quarantine rules: Dh50,000
– Failure to download the smart app for tracking and failure to carry smartphones (for those who tested positive for Covid): Dh10,000
– Tampering with the tracking device or app installed by authorities: Dh20,000
– Refusing to do a Covid test: Dh5,000


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