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UAE allows 8 categories of passengers from restricted countries

Eight categories of travellers are allowed to fly to the UAE from countries where passenger entry is suspended.

The latest addition to the exempted categories is Expo 2020 Dubai participants.

Passenger entry from 16 destinations – including India, Pakistan, South Africa and Indonesia to the UAE remains suspended until further notice.

According to the latest safety circular issued by the UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), exempted travellers have to abide by stringent Covid safety measures, including a 10-day quarantine period.

The eight exempted categories are:

>> Citizens of the UAE and their first-degree relatives;

>> Diplomatic personnel between the UAE and the applicable countries, including administrative workers;

>> Official delegations, subject to obtaining prior approval;

>> Expo 2020 international participants and exhibitors; and personnel sponsored by its organiser.

>> UAE residents with gold or silver residency permit;

>> Crews of cargo and transit flights of foreign companies;

>> Businessmen and businesswomen, provided they hold an approval from the General Authority for the Security of Ports, Borders and Free Zones, and heads of higher committees of the emergency, crisis and disaster management teams of the Emirate concerned;

>> Employees belonging to vital functions according to the classification of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship.

Covid safety protocols to be followed by exempted travellers

Stringent Covid-19 safety protocols have been defined for exempted passengers from the restricted countries:

>> Negative PCR test result within 48 hours from the date of departure. The test must have been taken at an accredited laboratory and the result must have a QR code.

>> They must get a PCR test done on arrival, followed by two others on day four and eight.

>> They have to quarantine for 10 days.

>> They must wear a monitoring and tracking device.


Khaleej Times

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