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UAE: Airport porter caught stealing from passenger’s bag

A 29-year-old porter at the Dubai airport has been sentenced to three months in jail and fined Dh28,000 on charges of stealing mobile phones from a passenger’s bag. The Dubai Criminal Court ordered the authorities to deport the expat after his prison term.

According to police, the case dates back to March 2021 when an Asian passenger discovered upon arrival in his home country that six mobile phones were missing from his suitcase. A policeman testified that a team of CID officers carried out an investigation and reviewed the surveillance cameras which helped them to identify the accused.

The public prosecution issued a warrant to search the suspect’s house where one of the stolen mobile phones, sunglasses and other accessories were found.

During interrogation, the porter admitted that he had stolen the mobile phones and sold five of them to a used mobile phone store for Dh10,000. He added that he used the amount to buy sunglasses worth Dh5,000, a camera, a mobile phone, a wireless headset and other accessories


Khaleej Times

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