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UAE: Additional 30-day grace period for visit visa holders

Holders of expired UAE visit visas should either leave the country by August 11, 2020 or can apply for a one-month grace period, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) said.

Visitor or tourist visa holders in the country have one month to leave as of July 12 to avoid fines, but in a new order by ICA, they can renew the 30-day grace period one more time after August 11.

“As per the last amendments, it has been decided to grant entry permits and visit visa holders inside the country, a period of one month (30 days) to leave the country. The grace period is renewable one time by the authority,” ICA said on their Twitter account.

“After which, the entry permit or visit visa holder needs to exit the country [to avoid fines].”

The authority added that the extension of grace period would be done by the ICA. More details are awaited on the procedure of the extension.


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