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UAE: Abu Dhabi’s non oil real GDP grew by 4.1%

Abu Dhabi’s GDP at constant prices grew 1.9 per cent in 2021 compared with 2020, while its non-oil GDP at constant prices grew by 4.1 per cent.

These figures shared by the Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi (SCAD) show growth rates across several non-oil activities including agriculture, forestry, and fishing which grew 23.1 per cent while the manufacturing expanded 21.7 per cent, health and social service by 19.7 per cent, arts, entertainment and recreation by 17.3 per cent, wholesale and retail trade by 15.3 per cent, accommodation and food service activities by 14.7 per cent, transportation and storage by 7 per cent, and electricity, gas, water supply and waste management activities by 6.9 per cent.


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