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UAE: Abu Dhabi increases workplace capacity to 60%

The Abu Dhabi Emergency, Crisis, and Disasters Committee has approved increasing workplace attendance to 60 percent for all employees and outsourced workers in government entities and companies effective from May 30, 2021.

The committee also approved remote working for employees aged 60 plus, those with chronic diseases and weak immunity, employees of determination, pregnant and nursing employees, and one of the parents of a child studying remotely, grades 10 and below.

The committee also approved compulsory periodic testing for all employees to enter the workplace with costs borne by the individual.

Those with vaccination exemption certificates are exempted from bearing the cost.

Unvaccinated employees must test weekly, while those vaccinated must test monthly. Those vaccinated who have active icons (gold star or letter E) on Alhosn app are exempt from these tests.


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