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UAE: Abu Dhabi announces updated safety protocols for COVID cases

Abu Dhabi on Friday released an updated list of procedures for those who test positive for Covid-19 or have been in close contact with someone who tested positive.

For Covid-positive cases

  • Patients in high-risk categories – those who are 50 years old and above, have symptoms, have a chronic disease and pregnant women – must first visit a designated Covid-19 Prime Assessment Center for medical assessment and isolation measures.
  • To end isolation, they must get two negative results 24 hours apart. Otherwise, they must conduct a PCR test on days eight and 10 and complete 10 days of isolation with no symptoms in the last 3 days of isolation, after medical evaluation.
  • Patients who fall under other categories – those with mild or medium symptoms and no chronic diseases – must first retest in any health facility in the emirate and continue to isolate. If the retest comes back positive as well, they will be contacted by a specialist to complete the isolation procedures.
  • If the retest comes back negative, they must wait 24 hours and then take a third PCR test. If this test also comes back negative, they may resume regular activities while continuing to follow precautionary measures.

For close contacts

  • Close contacts will receive an SMS to conduct a PCR test and register in the home quarantine programme through a link that will be provided in the SMS.
  • Vaccinated individuals must quarantine themselves for seven days, while unvaccinated individuals must do so for 10 days.

If the PCR test returns negative

  • Close contacts must continue to quarantine and conduct an additional PCR test in any health facility in the emirate on Day 6 (for vaccinated individuals) or Day 9 (for unvaccinated).
  • If the second test returns negative, they can resume activities as usual – but must continue to follow precautionary measures.

If the PCR test returns positive

  • High-risk categories (such as those who are 50 years old and above, who have symptoms, have a chronic disease or are pregnant) must visit a designated Covid-19 Prime Assessment Centre for medical assessment and isolation measures.
  • Those with mild or medium symptoms and no chronic diseases will need to retest in any health facility in the emirate and continue to isolate.
  • If the second test returns positive, a specialist will be in touch to complete the isolation procedures.
  • However, if the second test returns negative, close contacts will need to obtain a third negative PCR test result within 24 hours. If the test returns negative, they can resume activities as before.

When can close contacts end isolation?

  • Get two negative PCR test results that are 24 hours apart, or
  • Conduct a PCR test on days 8 and 10 and complete 10 days in isolation with no symptoms in the last three days of isolation, after medical evaluation.


Khaleej Times

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