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UAE: 4 families infected after gathering for Taraweeh prayers

Officials once again urged people in UAE to adhere to precautionary measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus, as they reported new cases among four families.

Dr. Amna Al Dahak Al Shamsi, an official spokesperson of the UAE Government, said that the latest tally of infections included four families who did not adhere to precautionary measures and social distancing.

These families gathered for Taraweeh prayers in violation of instructions issued by the Emirates Fatwa Council and the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, as well as preventative measures issued by health authorities.

“By doing so, they spread the virus to other family members who were placed under quarantine,” she added.

Earlier, religious authorities in UAE urged Muslims to pray home this Ramadan as not only were mosques closed but to help fight Covid-19.


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