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Health & EducationUAE

UAE: 3 new monkeypox cases, total number rises to 16

The United Arab Emirates recorded three new cases of the monkeypox virus on Sunday, the country’s health ministry said in a statement.

The new cases were identified early on due to “monitoring and investigation.”

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) advised people to follow all the safety guidelines and take preventative measures whilst traveling or meeting people at gatherings.

Residents who contract monkeypox must quarantine for 21 days, health officials have said, amid a global outbreak of the potentially fatal disease.

Patients who have a fever higher than 38.5 degrees, have a rash that covers more than 30 percent of the body surface area, or have unstable vital signs must isolate in hospital, as should pregnant women, children below the age of six, elderly patients aged over 70 and critically ill patients. Patients will undergo complete isolation in hospitals until they recover.

The UAE health ministry asked members of the public to only refer to official sources for information on the monkeypox virus, and to avoid circulating rumors and false information.

The World Health Organization on Saturday declared the monkeypox outbreak as a global health emergency after it recorded over 14,000 cases in more than 70 countries.

Declaring a global emergency means the monkeypox outbreak is an “extraordinary event” that requires a global response as it could spill over into more countries.



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