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UAE: 21 Filipinos Have Died of COVID-19, Says Envoy

Twenty-one Filipinos in the UAE have passed away due to coronavirus (COVID-19), Philippine Ambassador to the UAE Hjayceelyn Quintana said in a virtual interview with Philippine officials on Wednesday.

Quintana said the information was based on the notification of deaths the Philippine missions in the UAE have received from the authorities.

Quintana said 17 of the fatalities were from Dubai, while four were from Abu Dhabi.

According to the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs, a total of 1,867 Filipinos worldwide have contracted COVID-19. As of Tuesday, there were 214 deaths and 513 recoveries so far globally.

The Philippine ambassador also assured her countrymen of the Philippine government’s continued assistance.

She said the Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Philippine Consulate in Dubai are continuing to process the repatriation of stranded nationals, despite the temporary suspension of flights to the Philippines.

“Once the travel ban is lifted, we will be ready to continue with the repatriation,” Quintana said.


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