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GCC CountriesOman

Tuition Fees Exempted for Children of Omani Women Married to Expats

Children of Omani women who are married to foreign nationals and attend government-run schools in the country will now be exempted from paying tuition fees, following the recommendations of the Oman Human Rights Commission (OHRC).

The move follows meetings of OHRC members with the Ministry of Education officials, over the possibility of exempting non-Omani students from paying tuition fees to public schools. OHRC had for some time been monitoring the issue of Omani women married to expats, who had asked the Ministry of Education to exempt their children from paying tuition fees since the ministry had issued Decree No. 34/2018, which detailed the fee requirements for services provided to students, including non-Omani students who are enrolled in government schools.

A statement from the Oman Human Rights Commission said, “The commission submitted a report to the Ministry of Education to address the issue in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law of the State, the Child Law and the two conventions (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of Child). The committee then obtained a response from the ministry to exempt these children from paying tuition fees.”


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