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Travel: How important is it to get vaccinated against COVID-19?

Why is getting vaccinated against COVID-19 important to the travel industry?

The latest developments about coronavirus vaccines have given everyone optimism in an otherwise dismal time. At the end of last year, hope returned to the world, including hope for restarting travel as countries began approving several vaccines.

But what does this mean for the travel industry and how important is it to get vaccinated against the virus? Just recently, we spoke to Dadabhai Travel’s Director, Adnan Gilitwala to gain some insights on this matter.

Adnan Gilitwala, Director, Dadabhai Travel

The damage caused by the spread of COVID-19 has been immense not just in the travel industry but also the global economy. Travel is crucial to everyone’s livelihoods around the world which is why it is imperative that people get vaccinated for the sake of both their personal and professional survival.

“Scientifically, it has been proven countless times that vaccines are the most effective form of prevention against disease, therefore the urgency for more people to get vaccinated has never been higher. The only way we see the travel industry recovering and being able to help other industries do the same is when enough people around the world are declared safe to move around without restrictions”, Adnan said.

However, the availability of vaccines is not enough to influence the demand for travel as people have to willingly get vaccinated and show airlines, hotels, other companies, and governments around the world that they take their health seriously enough for conventional travel to resume to pre COVID-19 levels. “The goal is eradicating the virus and making it feasible for the world to open up again; as things stand, the only realistic way that will happen is if enough people become immune to COVID-19 through vaccination”, Adnan commented.

Don’t wait, vaccinate

When asked about what travel agencies should aim for in the immediate present, Adnan answered that agencies need to focus on supporting the drive to vaccinate as many people as possible: “If agencies are able to collectively share the same mission of supporting the government’s efforts, they will make a huge difference in preventing further losses to the travel industry and all the other industries associated with it, and also play a significant role in making the world safer to explore”.

With that said, Adnan shared that Dadabhai Travel is fully committed to doing their part in supporting Bahrain’s National Vaccination Campaign, like any other campaigns of the government. The leading travel agency has heavily encouraged the members of their organization to register themselves and their families for the vaccination.

“We believe that the success of any campaign is dependent on the alignment of both the public and private sectors, and continue to advocate the same whenever we can as no campaign would be initiated without considering the safety, efficacy, and benefit to the country and its people as a whole. We are confident that our government is acting in our best interests to prevent more harm to the people and the economy of Bahrain, and get us back on the path towards growth and sustainability. As such, we are all obligated to do our part for our country”, he commented.

Although the coronavirus vaccine is now available in Bahrain, a number of people are still concerned about getting jabbed. It is worth noting that all available COVID-19 vaccines in Bahrain are safe and have been authorized by the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA).

Here are some important things you need to know:

  • All vaccines available in Bahrain (Pfizer and Sinopharm) have been shown to be highly effective at preventing COVID-19.
  • Two doses are needed for the Sinopharm and Pfizer vaccine. A second shot will be scheduled 21 days after your first shot.
  • Side effects may be experienced by some people after vaccination. This is a normal sign that your body is building protection.
  • Getting vaccinated will protect people around you, particularly people with higher risks of being infected.
  • COVID-19 vaccines are one of the many tools to help us stop this pandemic.

How can you get vaccinated in Bahrain?

  • You can register for vaccination through MOH’s website or your BeAware app.
  • The registration process allows you to select the health center at which you prefer to be vaccinated and the type of vaccine you wish to receive.
  • Once you have completed the registration process, you will be contacted to confirm the date and time of your vaccination appointment.


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