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Tragic Foam Pit Incident at Spanish Leisure Centre Leaves Man Facing Quadriplegia

A man from Blimea in northern Spain is facing the likelihood of quadriplegia after breaking his neck and sustaining severe spinal cord injuries while jumping into a foam pit at a leisure centre. The incident occurred at a recently opened venue for adults and children in Colloto, near where the victim’s girlfriend and friends discovered him unconscious and immediately called emergency services.

The 27-year-old was rushed to the Central University Hospital of Asturias for treatment. However, there are concerns that he may be left quadriplegic due to a complete spinal cord injury resulting from his broken third cervical vertebra (C3) located midway down his neck. This type of injury typically causes loss of sensory and motor function below the affected area as nerve communication is severed.

Despite undergoing surgery, tests have indicated that the man has suffered significant damage to his spinal cord, potentially leaving him unable to move his arms or legs. He currently relies on assisted ventilation for breathing support.

While investigations are underway into the cause of this tragic accident, the leisure centre remains open with one exception—the closure of the foam pit where it occurred. According to one partner involved in establishing the venue, all necessary safety measures were implemented: ‘The facility complies with all safety measures.’ The establishment plans to provide recordings related to the incident but maintains its innocence in terms of responsibility: ‘It was not our fault; we have hired experts and lawyers.’

This distressing event serves as a reminder of how critical safety precautions are within recreational facilities such as these, prompting authorities and businesses alike to prioritize stringent safety protocols moving forward.


Daily Mail
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