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Saudi Arabia

Total of 307 Ballistic Missiles Fired at Saudi Arabia

A total of 307 ballistic missiles have been fired at Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the military operations, while the number of drones reached 338.

The Official Spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen Colonel Turki Al-Malki said that the number of ballistic missiles fired at Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the military operations reached 307, while the number of drones reached 338, along with militia violations of international humanitarian law and the threat of maritime navigation and global trade lines south of the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandab, where 46 booby-trapped boats were destroyed, stressing that the Saudi armed forces combated these acts by the Houthi militia.

He confirmed the targeting carried out by the Houthi militia on Saturday, deliberately targeting civilians in Saudi Arabia. He stressed that the militia has not succeeded in achieving any of their goals by launching ballistic missiles or drones.

Al-Malki confirmed in a press statement that according to the international humanitarian law, Saudi Arabia has the right to protect its citizens and residents on its soil.


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