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People & CultureBahrainTech & Telecoms

This 15-year-old Bahraini developed an all-in-one service platform!

How young is too young to startup? For 15-year-old Isa Haji, the question is irrelevant as he has just launched a unique app and website in Bahrain: Kulsha.

Kulsha is an e-directory, booking and delivery service platform for businesses looking to grow and transition to the digital market. For users, it aims to be the only platform you’ll ever need with its vast directory of services.

Just recently, Gulf Insider had the chance to catch up with Isa about his motivation behind Kulsha and what makes the platform stand out.

Isa is a student at the British School of Bahrain.

Tell us more about Kulsha. What inspired you to create it?

During the pandemic, people started utilizing online platforms more for their needs. However, they were only supporting well-known and established brands in the Kingdom. This made me think about the small businesses and local brands that weren’t getting attention and have been struggling with the effects of the pandemic. I wanted to create a platform where everything can be together under one umbrella.

Since I have experience in coding and creating websites, I started to connect with brands to see if they were interested in being a part of my initiative. For small businesses, it can be quite hard and expensive to fully transition online. I made Kulsha to help make this process easy and free.

How can people benefit from Kulsha? What sets it apart?

Kulsha has everything you need in Bahrain in one platform. Most of the apps that we are familiar with are very specific; focusing only on food, drinks and other services.

Kulsha is not only a directory – it is a combination everything. Not only can you check places to eat, drink and enjoy in Kulsha because you can also book appointments, rent a car and even create your own listings on our site. It basically links everything together, therefore helping everyone.

Why should business owners join your platform?

Kulsha is economical and the first-of-its-kind in Bahrain. Instead of spending lots of money in digital transformation, business owners can let Kulsha help them be seen, connect to potential customers and enhance their exposure.

How did you launch the company?

I had great support from my family. I shared this idea to my parents and they were intrigued by it. They soon helped me put together a team which helped us pursue it forward. Several big vendors and major brands have also supported us on this initiative.

Isa is an avid Formula 1 enthusiast.

Who is your inspiration?

Elon Musk – he continues to prove to the world that the impossible can be made possible. I am trying to do the same by developing Kulsha.

What are your future plans for Kulsha?

I want to expand Kulsha by making it available in the GCC and soon, the world.

Do you have any message for youth who want to launch their own startups?

Just believe in yourself and your ideas. If you do this, anything is going to be possible.

Keep up to date with Kulsha by checking their website, Instagram and Facebook. You can also give them a call at +973 3838 3866.


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