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Tech & Telecoms

12 Things You Should Stop Doing On Your Android Phone Immediately

In the fast-paced world of mobile devices, Android phones have become essential tools for productivity, communication, and entertainment. However, to ensure their optimal performance, it is important to be aware of certain actions that can degrade functionality or hinder the overall experience. By avoiding these actions and adopting best practices you can maximize performance and potentially enhance the longevity of your Android phone.

Whether you’re an Android veteran or a newbie to the platform, you’re bound to learn something that you’ve never considered before. It’s never too late to revise your Android device usage habits! Here are 12 things you need to stop doing on your Android phone-

1) Ignoring software updates

Every now and again your Android OS will release a software update. These are created to add new features, improve performance, patch security issues, and fix any persistent bugs. In most cases, your Android phone will inform you when a software update is available, but it’s on you to initiate the process. Unfortunately, a lot of users ignore this request.

2) Allowing excessive background processes

The longer you hang onto your phone, the more apps you tend to install over time. While Android devices can handle multiple apps at once, excessive background processes can have an impact on battery life and memory consumption, which may lead to reduced system performance.

3) Overloading the home screen with widgets

As you continue to insert widgets, the device will also create additional home screens. This removes the functionality of quick access altogether because you’ll now need to scroll through multiple windows to access the information you want — which is technically about the same effort as opening an app the regular way.

4) Running out of storage space

When this occurs, you’ll no longer be able to install new updates, take photos, or save files onto your phone. Furthermore, leading up to this event, you may notice a decline in your device’s overall performance. Apps can struggle to open or respond, while UI menus could become sluggish.

5) Installing apps from unknown sources

The Google Play Store is a trustworthy platform for users to download apps on their Android devices. The digital distribution service has strict regulations for app developers and examines each app before its available for download, ensuring they are safe and free of malicious code. Any other downloadable app source can therefore be considered unknown and may pose a risk to your Android phone.

6) Letting your cache build up within apps

Caching allows apps to store temporary data so they can load faster. This may include frequently accessed images, video thumbnails, or scripts. Unfortunately, as these files accumulate over time, they may begin to corrupt, causing apps to misbehave or crash.

7) Ignoring Android’s battery-optimization settings

Power Saving Mode comes with a performance sacrifice. The internal processor of your phone is usually throttled, resulting in a slower response time. Background apps might also be restricted, leading to delays in synchronization or in-app notifications. Furthermore, the brightness of your screen is reduced significantly, making it harder to see the display during daylight times.

8) Receiving excessive notifications

By default, your Android phone will bombard you with excessive notifications. These can range from messages to social media alerts, some more urgent than others. While notifications can keep you updated, they tend to distract even the best of us. Knowing how to customize your Android phone’s notification settings is consequently the best way to stay focused.

9) Neglecting to restart your Android phone

As you continue to use your phone, you might forget or intentionally neglect to perform a restart. A restart can help resolve software-related issues, improve performance, and keep your operating system from freezing. It might not be the most pleasant task, as certain phones can take a few minutes to reboot, but the benefits far outweigh any inconvenience.

10) Operating without security measures

The Android platform is known to be reasonably safe, but it is important to take additional security measures for several reasons. The open-source nature of the OS includes a vast ecosystem of apps available through the Google Play Store and third-party distribution services. While this promotes innovation and app development, it also makes Android users susceptible to malicious actors.

11) Avoiding backups

Android phones contain personal information and precious memories. However, unforeseen circumstances can lead to data loss, making it crucial to have a backup in place. Unfortunately, Android users avoid this process because it can be timely, or they think the default security measures are sufficient. However, this does not always safeguard against accidental deletion or hardware failures. 

12) Letting the battery drain to zero

Android phones contain lithium-ion batteries, which have a limited amount of charge cycles. A charge cycle refers to charging the battery from 0% to 100% and then letting it drain to 0% again. By frequently draining the battery to zero, you use up the charge cycles more quickly, which can potentially lead to a reduced lifespan and gradual decline in performance over time. 

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