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These Are Africa’s Most Powerful Passports

Seychelles has the most powerful passport in Africa, followed by Mauritius and South Africa.

The 2023 Henley Passport Index published in July, ranks passports based on the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa.

As Statista’s Anna Fleck shows in the following infographic, citizens from Seychelles can travel to 155 destinations without a visa organized beforehand.

On a global comparison, the country ranks 24th, joint with St. Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean.

Mauritius ranks 29th globally and has access to 148 countries without a prior visa, while South Africa ranks 52nd with access to 106 countries.

Rounding off the top ten are Malawi with access to 75 destinations and Tanzania with 73.

Worldwide, Singapore has been named as having the strongest passport, giving its citizens access to 192 countries visa-free.

Of the countries analyzed, Afghanistan ranks in last place with its citizens permitted to enter just 27 destinations without a prior visa.

Henley Passport Index


Zero Hedge

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